Friday, March 28, 2008

Brady is 7 Months Old!

The past 7 months have been so amazing and time is flying by way to fast. Brady is pulling himself up on everything and he just started trying to take a step or two while standing.

Easter Weekend

We went to Tampa for Brady's first Easter and stayed with Grandma Jones. We hung out with our family and we were able to see some friends while we were in town. Brady's second bottom tooth came in Easter Sunday!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Our Visit with Grammy & David

Last weekend Grammy & David came to visit us and we had a great time hanging out with them!

Brady's First Tooth!

Last night we were playing on the floor with Brady after his bath and I felt something sharp in his mouth when Brady was sucking on my finger. His first bottom tooth is just starting to come in and it just broke the surface of his gums.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Pictures from the Weekend!

Last weekend we went to St. John, which is right outside of Jacksonville, to visit Uncle Dave, Aunt Michele, Cousin Ashley & Cousin Zac. We had a wonderful time and here are some pictures that were taken.