Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My First Day Back to Work

Today I started Babysitting for a 3 month old baby boy & a 17 month old boy. It was challenging at times but overall the day went well. Brady now has a new playmate and the interaction for him, especially with a little one older than him, is great! The boys who I am watching have wonderful parents so the 17 month old is very well behaved and really gentle with Brady.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Brady is 8 Months Old!

Another incredible month has flown by. Tomorrow Brady will be 8 months old! He weighs 21 pounds and he is such a good eater. He only has his 2 bottom teeth so he is still very limited as to what he can eat but this week we started him on fresh fruit, Cheerios, saltine crackers & he LOVES his vegetables. We also give him tastes of meat & chicken. This afternoon we spent a couple of hours at the pool. Brady is such a water bug. Even though the pool is still a little chilly he enjoys splashing & slapping the water.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Brady Is Clapping!

This morning Brady woke up a little bit earlier than usual. I brought him into our bed for "Morning Cuddle Time" & shortly after he was in bed with us he sat up and started clapping! It was so adorable & exciting. He has been clapping on and off all morning. His two favorite toys are cold water bottles and the buckles on his high chair & stroller. Every time we open the refrigerator he crawls as fast as he can over to it and tries to pull out a couple of water bottles. It is amazing how the simplest things are babies favorite toys and how long these simple things can keep them occupied.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Kelley & Jon are Engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We just found out on Sunday that my sister, Kelley, and her boyfriend, Jon, are Engaged! There wedding date is set for June 7, 2008 (and NO, she is NOT PREGNANT). They will be getting married in there back yard in Ocala which over looks a lake. Jon, we are very excited about you "Officially" joining the family. Congratulations you two and we are so thrilled to be apart of celebrating your special day!!!!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Our weekend with Antie Leah and Uncle brent

Leah and Brent headed over to visit with us on Friday night. We had an incrediable day at the beach on Saturday and we could not have asked for nicer weather.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Brady & his girlfriend Izzi

On Saturday we went to Fort Lauderdale so Brady could see his girlfriend. We went to Izzi's first birthday party and it was very entertaining to watch the two of them play together. Brady has his M's & B's down! It sounds like he is trying to say Mama but we know he has no idea what it means.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Our afternoon at the Beach!

We have had such beautiful weather this weekend. This afternoon we went to the beach for a couple of hours and had a great time! The waves were beautiful and there was a great breeze.