Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gelo Family B-Day Bash!

Usually Kim writes these blogs, I am not one who "put's our stuff on the Street" but I felt obligated to brag at the wonderful job she did planning and organizing the Gelo Family B-Day Bash 08'. Brady and I had such a great time and cannot wait for next year! Thank You Kim, we appreciate all you do for our family. And Thanks to all of our family & friends who could stop by and hang with us, for some of you the trip was long and most likely...a LONGER ride home. Unbelievably enough, there was some beer left in the keg, I've never had to take a keg back to the liquor store with beer left in it. Next year...we look forward too seeing all of you and even more friends and family at the second annual Gelo Family B-Day Bash!

Brady certainly had a memorable 1st B-Day, we now have to use the guest bedroom to store his toys, he has WAY too many and they seem to be filling up the house rather quickly. We REALLY appreciate the toys that make a LOT of noise, not really...but he does love to play with everything. Thank you!

The Food was great, the company was greater, and we Thank You for sharing this special day with us.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Our Little Climber

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What a Weekend

Friday afternoon Grandma Jones & Grandpa Jerry arrived. It was so wonderful to see & visit with them. Unfortunately on Saturday Kevin & I took Sulli to the Vet. She had been acting lethargic and was not eating since last Thursday. Our Vet ran several blood tests and took a few X-rays. Her blood test results came back showing that she has a very odd Anemia & her X-rays showed that she has spots on her lungs. She is currently on oral steroids and antibiotics. Saturday night she finally ate some chicken and her appetite really started to increase on Sunday. Overall she is hanging in there and has perked up a little each day.

Yesterday afternoon Brady had his first trip to the ER. He cut his left hand, middle finger, on the pull out drawer under our oven. At first we could not get the cut to stop bleeding so we decided to head to the hospital. Once we arrived and were put back in a room at the hospital the cut finally stopped bleeding & we were able to see that the cut was not deep. Three hours later and after 4 different nurses took a look at his finger we finally decided to sign ourselves out and head home. It is not a deep cut and patients that were signing in at the hospital after we arrived were getting treatment from doctors before us due to there conditions being more severe which is completely understandable. Hopefully our week will only get better and we are really looking forward to Brady & Kev's B-Day party on the 23rd!