Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our Last Weekend in Florida

Grandma Jones, Grandpa Jerry, Kelley & Jon all drove over to Port St. Lucie to visit with us over the weekend. The time flew bye way too fast but we had a wonderful visit with everyone & we already miss our family so much. We are looking forward to family & friends visiting us in our new home!

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Gelo Family is Moving AGAIN!

In just a week and a half we will be on our way to NY to begin our next journey & adventure! We are moving due to Kevin being transfered and promoted within his company. We will truly miss all our family & friends in Florida but we are looking forward to this new experience & our door will always be open for visitors!

Jenny, Kendra & Tyler came to visit with us over the weekend & helped us with our yard sale that we had Saturday morning. Overall we had a great turn out but we will be having one more yard sale this weekend in hopes to get rid of the left over items. The movers will begin packing up our house next Monday the 20th & we will start our drive up to NY the following Wednesday. As we head up to NY we will be making several stops along the way to visit with family. We plan on arriving in NY on Saturday the 25th.

Yesterday I took Brady to his friends Birthday party. The party was held at an indoor playground and Brady had such a blast running around & playing with all the other kids. Enjoy the Pic's!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Our Weekend in Tampa