Friday, November 14, 2008

This Morning

This morning I walked into the kitchen and looked out our sliding glass door. I saw four beautiful deer walking through our back yard. I took some pictures of them but is was so overcast and foggy out that the pictures did not turn out well. I will try to get better pictures of them the next time we see them.

Last Night

Before Brady went to bed last night we were all hanging out in the living room. We watched him walk into the kitchen and heard him pull out one of the dining room chairs from underneath the table. Kevin walked into the kitchen as soon as we heard Brady start to move the chair and Brady is such a fast & speedy climber this is where we found him.........

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Our Weekend with the Vera Family

Our very good friends Jessica, Yusef, Ariana, Alexia and Baxter came to visit with us last weekend. This was the first time they met Brady and it was Kevin's first time meeting there two year old daughter, Alexia. Jessica and I met back in 2001. We were in the same Medical Assistant Technical program. She is a very special person with a wonderful family. Due to her husband being in the Coast Guard they have moved from Florida up to New Jersey. Brady had a great time playing with Ariana and Alexia. Now that we only live 3 hours away from Jew Jersey we are looking forward to getting together frequently!

Our New Home

We have enjoyed every moment of living in our new town. The town we live in is a very small town that is right on the Hudson River. The average temperature since we have arrived has been 50 degrees and we are enjoying the cooler weather with no humidity. The fall leaves are beautiful and there are so many fun places to go and things to see & do only 5-20 minutes from our home. Brady has already made several new friends and we are looking forward to a white Christmas.