Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas All!

Santa made an early appearance at our house this year knowing that Brady will be in Florida for the Holidays. Apparently he was a good boy this past year and he got some really neat new toys to play with! Santa brought him his first Train Set and several other goodies. Brady LOVES his Choo - Choo’s. We will be on our way to Florida as of this Wednesday the 23rd and we are extremely excited to see our family and friends! Merry Christmas to you all and Cheers to a happy, healthy and wonderful New Year!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fire Truck Santa

Fire Truck Santa stopped by our house to see Brady today! He gave him some candy canes and a coloring book.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First Significant Snowfall

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Our Weekend with Grammy

Grammy flew up this past Saturday morning to spend the weekend with us! We had our first winter snowfall and we are expecting more snow this evening.
We had a wonderful visit with her and we are so excited about seeing her again in just two and half weeks when we fly down to Florida for Christmas! We will be meeting up with her and David at Uncle Dave, Aunt Michele, Cousin Ashley and Cousin Zac's house the Saturday after Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Grandpa Jones flew up from South Carolina to spend Thanksgiving with us. We had a fantastic feast and we even had time to go pick out our Christmas tree! We are ready for Christmas and we hope you all had a safe, wonderful and plentiful Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Our Early Thanksgiving with Grandpa Gelo & Peggy

Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick - OR - Treat

What a weekend…we moved into our new home and we are just about done unpacking! Grandpa Jones flew up for all the weekend Festivities! Our new neighborhood was a great place for Trick - or - Treating and Brady came home with a pretty full bag of candy!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Brady's 1st Pumpkin Patch Excursion

What a fun but hectic month we have had so far. We are finally prepped and ready for Halloween! Last weekend we went to a local Pumpkin Patch and Brady picked out his first pumpkin. After searching high and low for the right Halloween costume for Brady that we all agree on we finally found “THE ONE!” This will be Brady’s first Halloween going Trick-OR-Treating. We are also in the process of packing due to moving at the end of the month. We wish you all a safe and fun Halloween!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


It is breathtaking to finally experience a full Fall season. When we moved up here last year the leaves had already finished changing colors and they were falling heavily.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Our Weekend in Pembroke, MA

Last Friday evening we headed over to MA to spend the weekend with Kevin's cousins. The kids had such a fun time playing together! On Saturday we went to Plymouth and then we spent a few hours at Aunt Sue and Greg's house. Aunt Maureen drove over to Lauren and Chick's house Sunday morning to spend time with us before we had to head home. It was so wonderful to see everyone and Baby Donny is such a cutie pie:)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Since we have had perfect camping weather the past week and Kevin had Labor day off work we decided to pack up the truck and head to the Catskill mountains early Saturday morning! We went to Thompson’s Lake State Park which is only an hour and a half north of where we live. The campground is located on a beautiful lake and the camp sites are very secluded. There was also a very cool playground for Brady to play on down by the beach area on the camp ground property and we ended up renting a boat for a few hours on Sunday.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Brady's 2nd Birthday

We had such a fun weekend! Grandpa Jones flew up last Thursday afternoon to help celebrate Brady’s birthday with us. Thursday night we got a surprised phone call from Aunt Kelley and Uncle Jon! They called to let us know that they would be flying up the following morning! The Gelo Family Birthday Bash took place Friday night and we are so grateful that our family was able to be apart of celebrating Brady’s birthday with us!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Hampshire

Last week we drove up to Laconia, New Hampshire for our summer family Vacation! We stayed in a cottage one mile away from Weirs Beach on Lake Winnipesaukee. Grandpa Gelo and Peggy drove up from Massachusetts and joined us for the first two and a half days. We had an unbelievable time and we even got to do quite a bit of relaxing on the beach!

While we were on vacation one of our very good friends, John Summers, met up with us for dinner. We even had the opportunity to drive up Mount Washington on Kevin‘s Birthday!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Brady's EXCITING Morning!!!

For the past several weeks Brady has been very interested in sitting on his Potty. Yesterday afternoon we had a party in the bathroom with Popsicles and refreshments. Brady did not have any success on the Potty yesterday but he has already gone #1 three times on the Regular Potty this morning! We are VERY proud of him!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Niagara Falls

What a site! The Falls are so amazing and beautiful. We were not able to view the Canadian Falls from Canada but we did have the opportunity to see them from the boat tour we went on.

Bufflo, NY

Our Visit with the Martin's

Kevin, Shawn and Tristen came up to visit with us from Florida last Wednesday! It was a short but FUN visit and we miss them SOOOOOO much already.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summertime Fun!

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July Weekend