Saturday, February 28, 2009

Brady is 18 Months Old Today!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Mardi Gras

On Saturday we went to a Mardi Gras festival in downtown Kingston. It was a beautiful day and we got to check out some amazing ice sculptures, funny clowns and wonderful jugglers!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Super Easy Chicken

4 Frozen Chicken Breasts
1 Package of DRY Italian Dressing Mix
1 Cup of Warm Water or Chicken Stock

1. Place chicken in slow cooker. Sprinkle with dry dressing mix. Pour water or chicken stock over chicken. (We use the chicken stock for extra flavor.)
2. Cover & cook on Low 8-10 hours. You can even add your favorite frozen veggies!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

Brady enjoyed opening & reading his Valentine cards this year!

Our neighbors watched Brady for us Saturday evening so we went to an awesome Tapas restaurant in New Paltz for dinner. We had a few cocktails before dinner at a neat Irish bar. It is so funny how you look forward to "Alone Time" with your significant other but when you get the opportunity to have a night out you talk about your little one the majority of the evening. We hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's weekend!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Cuddle Time with Daddy

We are extremely excited about the next couple of months! Grandma Jones will be coming up to visit us mid March for a whole week and Aunt Kelley will also be coming up over a 4 day period while Grandma Jones is here. Grandpa Jones will be coming up the last weekend of March and then Aunt Jenny, Uncle Jim, Kendra and Tyler will be coming up the first weekend in April to spend several days with us!

The weather has been much warmer this weekend. The high has been in the low forties and some of the snow has melted away. We still have about 4 inches on the ground. The past month and a half Kevin has been doing a lot of traveling with his job. He is currently out in Phoenix for Regional Meetings and he flies back home late Monday night. Once he is home from this trip he will not have to go out to Phoenix again until late Spring, early Summer. Two weeks ago I started babysitting a five month old baby boy. His name is Jude and I watch him every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Brady enjoys his company and plays very well with him.

Brady is such a character! He is growing up so fast and he is such a busy and happy little guy. He has completely mastered saying HI and BYE along with a huge wave. He has about 10 words total that he says very clear. He loves to give and blow kisses and he even tackles Stew every chance he gets. Each day that passes he is more and more into books and puzzles. He is even becoming quite the cuddlier. We miss you all very much and we are in the works of trying to plan our family vacation for this year!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Our Weekend in York Beach, Maine & Concord, MA