Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our Visit with Grammy

We had a fun and beautiful Spring weekend with Grammy! On Friday evening we took her to the Rainbow Drive-In for ice cream and the classic car show. On Saturday we had our first hot Spring day and Grammy took us out for a delicious dinner that evening. The weekend flew by way to fast but we are looking forward to seeing Grammy and David in the fall!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

We had a very low key and relaxing Easter weekend. It rained on and off all day on Saturday and it was pretty chilly out so we ran errands in the morning and stayed indoors for most of the afternoon. On Sunday we woke up to a beautiful sunny and much warmer Spring day! We had a nice and yummy early Easter dinner then went outside to play a few Basketball games!
Brady likes to wear Daddy's Twisted Sister Headband!
Brady started crawling out of his crib last Thursday so we went ahead and converted it to a toddler bed yesterday.


Our Little Comedian!

Shooting hoops with Daddy!

We hope you all had a Wonderful Easter!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Our weekend with Aunt Jenny, Uncle Jim, Kendra & Tyler

Cousins...Kendra, Brady & Tyler

The Freeland Family

Last Friday night Jenny, Jim, Kendra and Tyler flew up to NY to spend the weekend with us! We had a wonderful time visiting with them and the kids had a blast playing together. This morning we dropped them off at the train station in Poughkeepsie and they will be spending a few days in NY city. They will then take another train to Washington, DC and fly back to Florida on Saturday. We hope they enjoy the rest of their Spring Break and Family Vacation!