Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Weekend

Family Dinner at The Mariner’s Harbor Seafood Restaurant in Kingston

High Five for Grandpa

We had a fun weekend with Grandpa Jones! He flew up on Friday afternoon and got to our house just in time to take a walk along side the Hudson river and then we headed to the classic car show. Kevin had to work Saturday morning for a few hours so Brady and I took Grandpa to the Forsyth Nature Center and then we went to the park. Saturday evening Grandpa took us all out to dinner for a yummy lobster meal at the Mariner’s Harbor Seafood Restaurant in Kingston. On Sunday we went to West Point Military Academy. We were able to drive around the campus and get onto the base since Grandpa Jones is retired military. Sunday afternoon we came back to the house and Kevin made some scrumptious Gelo style chicken wings and hamburgers. Grandpa had to fly back home on Monday morning. Since it was so beautiful out we went back to Forsyth Nature Center and Brady enjoyed showing Daddy all of his favorite animals.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Our Weekend in Concord, MA

Brady had his first Fishing Lesson!

We drove up to Concord, Massachusetts last Friday and spent the weekend with Grandpa Gelo and Peggy. On Saturday afternoon they made a scrumptious BBQ dinner for us and on Sunday morning we went fishing at the Club. We had a great time and we look forward to seeing them again next month!