Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Our Weekend in Pembroke, MA

Last Friday evening we headed over to MA to spend the weekend with Kevin's cousins. The kids had such a fun time playing together! On Saturday we went to Plymouth and then we spent a few hours at Aunt Sue and Greg's house. Aunt Maureen drove over to Lauren and Chick's house Sunday morning to spend time with us before we had to head home. It was so wonderful to see everyone and Baby Donny is such a cutie pie:)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Since we have had perfect camping weather the past week and Kevin had Labor day off work we decided to pack up the truck and head to the Catskill mountains early Saturday morning! We went to Thompson’s Lake State Park which is only an hour and a half north of where we live. The campground is located on a beautiful lake and the camp sites are very secluded. There was also a very cool playground for Brady to play on down by the beach area on the camp ground property and we ended up renting a boat for a few hours on Sunday.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Brady's 2nd Birthday

We had such a fun weekend! Grandpa Jones flew up last Thursday afternoon to help celebrate Brady’s birthday with us. Thursday night we got a surprised phone call from Aunt Kelley and Uncle Jon! They called to let us know that they would be flying up the following morning! The Gelo Family Birthday Bash took place Friday night and we are so grateful that our family was able to be apart of celebrating Brady’s birthday with us!