Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas All!

Santa made an early appearance at our house this year knowing that Brady will be in Florida for the Holidays. Apparently he was a good boy this past year and he got some really neat new toys to play with! Santa brought him his first Train Set and several other goodies. Brady LOVES his Choo - Choo’s. We will be on our way to Florida as of this Wednesday the 23rd and we are extremely excited to see our family and friends! Merry Christmas to you all and Cheers to a happy, healthy and wonderful New Year!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fire Truck Santa

Fire Truck Santa stopped by our house to see Brady today! He gave him some candy canes and a coloring book.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First Significant Snowfall

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Our Weekend with Grammy

Grammy flew up this past Saturday morning to spend the weekend with us! We had our first winter snowfall and we are expecting more snow this evening.
We had a wonderful visit with her and we are so excited about seeing her again in just two and half weeks when we fly down to Florida for Christmas! We will be meeting up with her and David at Uncle Dave, Aunt Michele, Cousin Ashley and Cousin Zac's house the Saturday after Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Grandpa Jones flew up from South Carolina to spend Thanksgiving with us. We had a fantastic feast and we even had time to go pick out our Christmas tree! We are ready for Christmas and we hope you all had a safe, wonderful and plentiful Thanksgiving!!!