Thursday, January 26, 2012

1st Snow Storm of the New Year

Grandpa Jones flew up last Friday afternoon and spent the weekend with us. A snow storm headed our way that night and it snowed until Saturday afternoon! The kids had a blast playing outside and the weather cleared up just in time for Grandpa Jones to fly home.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Hello 2012!

WOW! Another wonderful year has flown bye. The end of 2011 was filled with fun family times and visitors! Grammy flew up at the end of October and spent an enjoyable weekend with us. Grandpa Gelo and Peggy drove over and visited with us at the beginning of November and Grandma flew up at the beginning of December. Kevin did it again and won another trip from his company! We had the opportunity to spend 4 full days in the Bahamas and stay at Atlantis at beginning of December (photos below) while Grandma held things together at the home front with Brady and Taylor. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Aunt Kelley and Uncle Jon’s baby boy and we hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! Happy New Year:)