Friday, June 27, 2008

What a Week

We are pretty much settled into our house. The move last weekend went really smooth thanks to Kelley & Jon. It is so nice to have more room for Brady to play, crawl & walk around with his walking toy. Last week I started babysitting for a five month old little boy and he is such a sweet heart. The family who I was working for unfortunately are moving out of state. Tomorrow Brady will be 10 months old! We expect him to try and take his first step any day now. He has become very confident while standing. He likes to let go of whatever he is holding himself up on and he is able to stand all by himself for a decent amount of time. It is amazing how much more assurance and self confidence he develops each day. He now has two more top teeth that are coming in. This weekend we will be finishing up unpacking the last couple of boxes that are in the guest bedroom & we will be hanging up the rest of our pictures & wall art.