Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmastime at the Gelo's

2011 is almost here...WOW! Can't believe how quickly 2010 flew by. It was a GREAT year and we are looking forward to 2011!

The Christmas Holiday was good to us. Grandpa Jones, Aunt Kelley and Uncle Jon flew up for a visit the weekend before Christmas and Grandpa Gelo and Peggy drove over Christmas Eve to spend the Holiday weekend with us. It was good to have lots of family around for the Holiday!

The day after Christmas we had the first snowstorm in our new home. We got about a foot of snow and Brady LOVES to play in it:) Taylor had some fun playing in it too! We'd like to show you some pictures of the snowman he built but he destroyed it before we had a chance!

We wish you all a happy and safe New Year celebration and hope that 2011 brings you much happiness and prosperity!

Love and peace to all!