Monday, December 29, 2008

Our First Christmas in New York!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all! Our first Christmas in New York was a memorable one! Brady was a good boy this past year and Santa definitely stopped by our house. Kevin and I enjoyed watching Brady open all of his gifts. By looking at the pictures you can tell that the Quad Runner was his favorite. Grandpa Gelo and Peggy came over the day after Christmas and spent the weekend with us. It was great being able to spend this holiday with family.

As we bring in the New Year, we look forward to spending future Holiday's with all our family and friends!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our Weekend with Jon, Kelley, Josh & Sarah!

We had such a great time with our family and friends last weekend. Jon and Kelley arrived on Friday afternoon just in time for a snow storm! Our friends Josh and Sarah arrived Saturday afternoon. Josh just moved up to New York from Florida and Kelley and I went to high school with him. It was wonderful to finally meet Josh's girlfriend, Sarah, who we have heard so much about! We took Brady sledding for the first time in our back yard and we went to another Christmas light festival Saturday night. Unfortunately the weekend flew bye way too fast but we are grateful that we were able to see and spend quality time with our family and friends. We look forward to Jon and Kelley visiting us again in the Spring and hopefully we will be seeing Josh and Sarah frequently now that they live two hours away from us. We wish you all a healthy and joyful holiday!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Brady's First Time in Snow

Mid morning the sun started to come out and we had a beautiful afternoon!

Brady and I had fun in the snow! We played in our front yard and then went down to the park about one mile from our house. Brady had a great time running around in the snow down by the river.


Our Front Yard

Our Back Yard

We were so excited when we woke up this morning and saw snow on the ground! Unfortunately there have been a lot of communities without power since last weekend. There was a terrible ice storm that caused power outages only a half hour away from where we live. We have finished up all our Christmas shopping and we are looking forward to spending the weekend with Aunt Kelley and Uncle Jon! We are hoping that Grandpa Jones will also be able to join us.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gelo's X-Mas Nectar

1 Cup of Apple Cider
1 oz Evan Williams Sour Mash Whiskey
A sprinkle of Cinnamon

Warm Cider, add Whiskey, sprinkle with Cinnamon & Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Our Christmas Tree

We had such a fun time picking out and cutting down our very own Christmas tree this year! On Saturday morning we went to a 25 acre Christmas tree farm and spent about an hour picking out "The PERFECT TREE." We spent all afternoon trimming and decorating the tree. Saturday evening our neighbors invited us to a really cool light festival. We had a wonderful time and woke up Sunday morning with some snow on the ground!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Two Yummy Recipes

No Crust Pizza

2 lbs Hamburger Meat
1 can of Tomato Sauce
3 cups of Grated Cheddar
1 tsp. of Italian Seasoning
Pepperoni or Canadian Bacon or ANY topping that is a veggie or meat
3 T. of Grated Parmesan

Pre heat oven to 350 degrees. Work in Italian Seasoning (and any other seasonings that you would like to add) into Hamburger Meat. Pat Meat into casserole dish until flat & all the way to the sides. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes and then drain. Spread sauce on & then layer the meats, veggies and top with the cheeses. Bake at 350 until all is melted. May take 12-15 minutes.

No Carb Cheesecake

8 oz Cream Cheese
1/2 c Splenda
8oz Cool Whip

Soften Cream Cheese. Mix all ingredients together. Refrigerate for 3 hours. Serve with any fresh fruit Topping!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Brady is Using a Fork

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving in Concord, MA

Last Wednesday evening we drove to Concord, MA and we celebrated Thanksgiving with Grandpa Gelo and Peggy. The food was wonderful and Grandpa Gelo prepared and deep fried a turkey. After dinner we had a birthday celebration for Grandpa Gelo and me. Peggy got us a delicious chocolate peanut butter ice cream cake! On Saturday we had lunch with Aunt Maureen, Lauren, Chick, Emma, Adam, Donny, Colleen and Kayleigh. Donny and Colleen announced there exciting news that they are now Engaged! Congratulations you two!!! We were able to meet Brady's second cousins for the first time and they all had such a wonderful time playing together. On Saturday night Rita and Brendan had us over for a yummy dinner. It was great to see everyone and now that we only live a few hours away we plan on getting together frequently! We headed home early Sunday afternoon and what should have been a three hour ride home turned into a five and a half hour ride. Thanks to Rita and Brendan Brady had some new toys to keep him occupied and we made it home safely.