Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving in Concord, MA

Last Wednesday evening we drove to Concord, MA and we celebrated Thanksgiving with Grandpa Gelo and Peggy. The food was wonderful and Grandpa Gelo prepared and deep fried a turkey. After dinner we had a birthday celebration for Grandpa Gelo and me. Peggy got us a delicious chocolate peanut butter ice cream cake! On Saturday we had lunch with Aunt Maureen, Lauren, Chick, Emma, Adam, Donny, Colleen and Kayleigh. Donny and Colleen announced there exciting news that they are now Engaged! Congratulations you two!!! We were able to meet Brady's second cousins for the first time and they all had such a wonderful time playing together. On Saturday night Rita and Brendan had us over for a yummy dinner. It was great to see everyone and now that we only live a few hours away we plan on getting together frequently! We headed home early Sunday afternoon and what should have been a three hour ride home turned into a five and a half hour ride. Thanks to Rita and Brendan Brady had some new toys to keep him occupied and we made it home safely.