Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our Weekend with Jon, Kelley, Josh & Sarah!

We had such a great time with our family and friends last weekend. Jon and Kelley arrived on Friday afternoon just in time for a snow storm! Our friends Josh and Sarah arrived Saturday afternoon. Josh just moved up to New York from Florida and Kelley and I went to high school with him. It was wonderful to finally meet Josh's girlfriend, Sarah, who we have heard so much about! We took Brady sledding for the first time in our back yard and we went to another Christmas light festival Saturday night. Unfortunately the weekend flew bye way too fast but we are grateful that we were able to see and spend quality time with our family and friends. We look forward to Jon and Kelley visiting us again in the Spring and hopefully we will be seeing Josh and Sarah frequently now that they live two hours away from us. We wish you all a healthy and joyful holiday!